Hello! I'm Stefanie Soh.

I love designing useful and delightful digital products that improve people's lives.

Screenshot of list view

Revamp Pigeonholes Events 2018 - 2020

PigeonholeLive is a SaaS web application for organisers and speakers to interact and engage with a large audience for in-person and remote events/meetings.

As more employees use the tool to run meetings, webinars and conferences, they need help finding their events and writing in requesting help.

I led the revamp, investigation of the user's challenges, UI & UX design and worked closely with the developers to reduce the findability issues of Pigeonholes events by 90% while overcoming resource constraints and technical limitations.

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Screenshots of moodslider app

Mood Tracker 2016

An innovative health app to help users record and monitor their habits and thoughts that could affect their mental health. We've three months to validate the concept and aquire actual users.

In this case study, I share how I assisted the Product Director in the end-to-end process of validating and developing an idea into a working app with nearly 100 users in 3 months.

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Before and after screenshots of payme

Simple merchant payment tool 2012 - 2014

Smoovpay is an online credit card payment processor with various payment-related products like p2p payment, e-commerce shop and epos, and I helped design them all.

In this case study, I will focus on the design process of PayMe, a simplified version of ePOS and how merchants can create a product page and collect payment on the go within a few minutes without a credit card terminal machine.

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